Source code for saqc.core.flags

#!/usr/bin/env python

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

from __future__ import annotations

import typing
from typing import DefaultDict, Dict, Iterable, Mapping, Tuple, Type, Union, overload

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from saqc.core import DictOfSeries, History

_VAL = Union[pd.Series, History]
DictLike = Union[
    Dict[str, _VAL],
    DefaultDict[str, _VAL],

_Field = str
SelectT = Union[
    Tuple[np.ndarray, _Field],
    Tuple[pd.Series, _Field],
    Tuple[pd.Index, _Field],
    Tuple[slice, _Field],
ValueT = Union[pd.Series, Iterable, float]

class _HistAccess:
    def __init__(self, obj: Flags):
        self._obj = obj

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> History:
        return self._obj._data[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: History):
        if not isinstance(value, History):
            raise TypeError("Not a History")

        self._obj._data[key] = value

[docs] class Flags: """ SaQC's flags container. This container class holds the quality flags associated with the data. It hold key-value pairs, where the key is the name of the column and the value is a ``pandas.Series`` of flags. The index of the series and the key-value pair can be assumed to be immutable, which means, only the *values* of the series can be change, once the series exist. In other words: **an existing column can not be overwritten by a column with a different index.** The flags can be accessed via ``__getitem__`` and ``__setitem__``, in real life known as the `[]`-operator. For the curious: Under the hood, the series are stored in a `history`, which allows the advanced user to retrieve all flags once was set in this object, but in the most cases this is irrelevant. For simplicity one can safely assume, that this class works just stores the flag-series one sets. See also -------- initFlagsLike : create a Flags instance, with same dimensions as a reference object. History : class that actually store the flags Examples -------- We create an empty instance, by calling ``Flags`` without any arguments and then add a column to it. .. doctest:: exampleFlags >>> from saqc import UNFLAGGED, BAD, DOUBTFUL, Flags >>> flags = Flags() >>> flags Empty Flags .. doctest:: exampleFlags >>> flags['v0'] = pd.Series([BAD,BAD,UNFLAGGED], dtype=float) >>> flags # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE v0 | ======== | 0 255.0 | 1 255.0 | 2 -inf | <BLANKLINE> Once the column exist, we cannot overwrite it anymore, with a different series. .. doctest:: exampleFlags >>> flags['v0'] = pd.Series([666.], dtype=float) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Index does not match But if we pass a series, which index match it will work, because the series now is interpreted as value-to-set. .. doctest:: exampleFlags >>> flags['v0'] = pd.Series([DOUBTFUL,np.nan,DOUBTFUL], dtype=float) >>> flags # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE v0 | ======== | 0 25.0 | 1 255.0 | 2 25.0 | <BLANKLINE> As we see above, the column now holds a combination from the values from the first and the second set. This is, because ``numpy.nan`` was used. We can inspect all the updates that was made by looking in the history. .. doctest:: exampleFlags >>> flags['v0'] = pd.Series([DOUBTFUL, np.nan, DOUBTFUL], dtype=float) >>> flags.history['v0'] # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0 1 2 0 255.0 25.0 25.0 1 255.0 nan nan 2 -inf 25.0 25.0 As we see now, the second call sets ``25.0`` and shadows (represented by the parentheses) ``(255.0)`` in the first row and ``(-inf)`` in the last, but in the second row ``255.0`` still is valid, because it was `not touched` by the set. It is also possible to set values by a mask, which can be interpreted as condidional setting. Imagine we want to `reset` all flags to ``0.`` if the existing flags are lower that ``255.``. .. doctest:: exampleFlags >>> mask = flags['v0'] < BAD >>> mask # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 0 True 1 False 2 True dtype: bool .. doctest:: exampleFlags >>> flags[mask, 'v0'] = 0 >>> flags # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE v0 | ======== | 0 0.0 | 1 255.0 | 2 0.0 | <BLANKLINE> The objects you can pass as a row selector (``flags[rows, column]``) are: - boolen arraylike, with or without index. Must have same length than the undeliing series. - slices working on the index - ``pd.Index``, which must be a subset of the existing index For example, to set `all` values to a scalar value, use a Null-slice: .. doctest:: exampleFlags >>> flags[:, 'v0'] = 99.0 >>> flags # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE v0 | ======= | 0 99.0 | 1 99.0 | 2 99.0 | <BLANKLINE> After all calls presented here, the history looks like this: .. doctest:: exampleFlags >>> flags.history['v0'] 0 1 2 3 4 0 255.0 25.0 25.0 0.0 99.0 1 255.0 nan nan nan 99.0 2 -inf 25.0 25.0 0.0 99.0 """ def __init__(self, raw_data: DictLike | Flags | None = None, copy: bool = False): self._data: dict[str, History] if raw_data is None: raw_data = {} if isinstance(raw_data, Flags): if copy: raw_data = raw_data.copy() self._data = raw_data._data else: self._data = self._initFromRaw(raw_data, copy) @staticmethod def _initFromRaw(data: Mapping, copy: bool) -> Dict[str, History]: """ init from dict-like: keys are flag column, values become initial columns of history(s). """ result = {} for k, item in data.items(): if not isinstance(k, str): raise ValueError("column names must be string") if k in result: raise ValueError("raw_data must not have duplicate keys") # a passed History is not altered. So if the passed History # does not fit for Flags, we fail hard. if isinstance(item, History): Flags._validateHistForFlags(item, colname=k) if copy: item = item.copy() result[k] = item continue if not isinstance(item, pd.Series): raise TypeError( f"cannot init from '{type(data).__name__}' of '{type(item).__name__}'" ) result[k] = History(item.index).append( item, meta={"func": "importedFlags", "args": (), "kwargs": {}} ) return result @staticmethod def _validateHistForFlags(history: History, colname=None): if history.empty: return history errm = "History " if colname: errm += f"of column {colname} " # this ensures that the mask does not shadow UNFLAGGED with a NaN. if history.squeeze().hasnans: raise ValueError(errm + "is not valid (result of max() contains NaNs)") return history @property def _constructor(self) -> Type["Flags"]: return type(self) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # meta data
[docs] def keys(self) -> typing.KeysView: return self._data.keys()
@property def columns(self) -> pd.Index: """ Column index of the flags container Returns ------- columns: pd.Index The columns index """ return pd.Index(self._data.keys()) @columns.setter def columns(self, value: pd.Index): """ Set new columns names. Parameters ---------- value : pd.Index New column names """ if not isinstance(value, pd.Index): value = pd.Index(value) if not value.is_unique or not pd.api.types.is_string_dtype(value): raise TypeError("value must be pd.Index, with unique indices of type str") if not len(value) == len(self): raise ValueError("index must match current index in length") _data = {} for old, new in zip(self.columns, value): _data[new] = self._data[old] self._data = _data @property def empty(self) -> bool: """ True if flags has no columns. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the container has no columns, otherwise ``False``. """ return len(self._data) == 0 def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._data) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.columns # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # item access @overload def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> pd.Series: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, key: list | pd.Index) -> Flags: ... def __getitem__(self, key: str | list | pd.Index) -> pd.Series | Flags: if isinstance(key, str): return self._data[key].squeeze() if isinstance(key, slice): key = self.columns[key] if isinstance(key, (list, pd.Index)): # only copy necessary data data = self._data try: self._data = {} new = self.copy() finally: self._data = data new._data = {k: self._data[k].copy() for k in key} return new raise TypeError( "Key must be of type str, list or index of string or slice," f"not {type(key)}." ) def __setitem__(self, key: SelectT, value: ValueT): # force-KW is only internally available if isinstance(key, tuple): if len(key) != 2: raise KeyError( "a single 'column' or a tuple of 'mask, column' must be passed" ) mask, key = key tmp = pd.Series(np.nan, index=self._data[key].index, dtype=float) # make a mask from an index, because it seems # that passing an index is a very common workflow if isinstance(mask, pd.Index): mask = pd.Series(True, index=mask, dtype=bool) mask = mask.reindex(tmp.index, fill_value=False) # raises (correct) KeyError try: if pd.api.types.is_list_like(value) and len(value) != len(tmp): raise ValueError tmp[mask] = value except Exception: raise ValueError( f"bad mask. cannot use mask of length {len(mask)} on " f"data of length {len(tmp)}" ) else: value = tmp # technically it would be possible to select a field and set # the entire column to a scalar flag value (float), but it has # a high potential, that this is not intended by the user. # if desired use ``flags[:, field] = flag`` if not isinstance(value, pd.Series): raise ValueError( "expected a value of type 'pd.Series', " "if a scalar should be set, please use 'flags[:, field] = flag'" ) if key not in self._data: self._data[key] = History(value.index) self._data[key].append(value, meta=None) def __delitem__(self, key): self._data.pop(key)
[docs] def drop(self, key: str): """ Delete a flags column. Parameters ---------- key : str column name Returns ------- flags object with dropped column, not a copy """ self.__delitem__(key)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # accessor @property def history(self) -> _HistAccess: """ Accessor for the flags history. Access via ``flags.history['var']``. To set a new history use ``flags.history['var'] = value``. The passed value must be an instance of History or must be convertible to a history. Returns ------- history : History Accessor for the flags history See also -------- saqc.core.History : History storage class. """ return _HistAccess(self) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # copy
[docs] def copy(self, deep=True): """ Copy the flags container. Parameters ---------- deep : bool, default True If False, a new reference to the Flags container is returned, otherwise the underlying data is also copied. Returns ------- copy of flags """ new = self._constructor() new._data = {c: h.copy(deep) for c, h in self._data.items()} return new
def __copy__(self): return self.copy(deep=False) def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): """ Parameters ---------- memo, default None Standard signature. Unused """ return self.copy(deep=True) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # transformation and representation
[docs] def toFrame(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Transform the flags container to a ``pd.DataFrame``. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ return pd.DataFrame(dict(self))
def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(DictOfSeries(self)).replace("DictOfSeries", type(self).__name__)
def initFlagsLike( reference: Union[pd.Series, DictLike, Flags], name: str = None, ) -> Flags: """ Create empty Flags, from a reference data structure. Parameters ---------- reference : pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, DictOfSeries, dict of pd.Series The reference structure to initialize for. name : str, default None Only respected if `reference` is of type ``pd.Series``. The column name that is used for the Flags. If ``None`` the name of the series itself is taken, if it is unset, a ValueError is raised. Notes ----- Implementation detail: The resulting Flags has not necessarily the exact same (inner) dimensions as the reference. This may happen, if the passed structure already holds History objects. Those are reduced 1D-DataFrame (1-column-History). Nevertheless the returned flags are perfectly suitable to be used in SaQC as flags container along with the passed reference structure (data). Returns ------- flags: Flags a flags object, """ result = {} if isinstance(reference, Flags): reference = reference._data if isinstance(reference, pd.Series): if name is None: name = if name is None: raise ValueError( "either the passed pd.Series must be named or a name must be passed" ) if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError(f"name must be str not '{type(name).__name__}'") reference = reference.to_frame(name=name) for k, item in reference.items(): if not isinstance(k, str): raise TypeError( f"cannot use '{k}' as a column name, currently only string keys are allowed" ) if k in result: raise ValueError("reference must not have duplicate column names") if not isinstance(item, (pd.Series, History)): raise TypeError("items in reference must be of type pd.Series") result[k] = History(item.index) return Flags(result)