Source code for saqc.core.translation.dmpscheme

#! /usr/bin/env python

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import annotations

import json

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from saqc.core import Flags, History
from saqc.core.frame import DictOfSeries
from saqc.core.translation.basescheme import BackwardMap, ForwardMap, MappingScheme



[docs] class DmpScheme(MappingScheme): """ Implements the translation from and to the flagging scheme implemented in the UFZ - Datamanagementportal """ ARGUMENTS = {"comment": "", "cause": "OTHER"} DFILTER_DEFAULT = GOOD + 1 _FORWARD: ForwardMap = { "NIL": UNFLAGGED, "OK": GOOD, "DOUBTFUL": DOUBTFUL, "BAD": BAD, } _BACKWARD: BackwardMap = { UNFLAGGED: "NIL", np.nan: "NIL", GOOD: "OK", DOUBTFUL: "DOUBTFUL", BAD: "BAD", } def __init__(self): super().__init__(forward=self._FORWARD, backward=self._BACKWARD)
[docs] def toHistory(self, flags: pd.DataFrame): """ Translate a single field of external ``Flags`` to a ``History`` """ history = History(flags.index) for (flag, cause, comment), values in flags.groupby(_QUALITY_LABELS): if cause == "" and comment == "": continue try: comment = json.loads(comment) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: comment = {"test": "unknown", "comment": ""} column = pd.Series(np.nan, index=flags.index) column.loc[values.index] = self(flag) meta = { "func": comment["test"], "kwargs": {"comment": comment["comment"], "cause": cause}, } history.append(column, meta=meta) return history
[docs] def toInternal(self, flags: pd.DataFrame | DictOfSeries) -> Flags: """ Translate from 'external flags' to 'internal flags' Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame The external flags to translate Returns ------- Flags object """ if isinstance(flags, pd.DataFrame): flags = DictOfSeries(flags) self.validityCheck(flags) data = {} if isinstance(flags, pd.DataFrame): fields = flags.columns.get_level_values(0).drop_duplicates() else: fields = flags.keys() for field in fields: data[str(field)] = self.toHistory(flags[field]) return Flags(data)
[docs] def toExternal( self, flags: Flags, attrs: dict | None = None, **kwargs ) -> DictOfSeries: """ Translate from 'internal flags' to 'external flags' Parameters ---------- flags : The external flags to translate attrs : dict or None, default None global meta information of saqc-object Returns ------- translated flags """ tflags = super().toExternal(flags, attrs=attrs) out = DictOfSeries() for field in tflags.columns: df = pd.DataFrame( { "quality_flag": tflags[field], "quality_cause": "", "quality_comment": "", } ) history = flags.history[field] for col in history.columns: valid = (history.hist[col] != UNFLAGGED) & history.hist[col].notna() # extract from meta meta = history.meta[col] keywords = meta.get("kwargs", {}) comment = json.dumps( { "test": meta.get("func", "unknown"), "comment": keywords.get("comment", self.ARGUMENTS["comment"]), } ) cause = keywords.get("cause", self.ARGUMENTS["cause"]) df.loc[valid, "quality_comment"] = comment df.loc[valid, "quality_cause"] = cause out[field] = df self.validityCheck(out) return out
[docs] @classmethod def validityCheck(cls, flags: DictOfSeries) -> None: """ Check wether the given causes and comments are valid. Parameters ---------- df : external flags """ for df in flags.values(): if not df.columns.isin(_QUALITY_LABELS).all(axis=None): raise TypeError( f"DMP-Flags expect the labels {list(_QUALITY_LABELS)} in the secondary level" ) flags = df["quality_flag"] causes = df["quality_cause"] comments = df["quality_comment"] if not flags.isin(cls._FORWARD.keys()).all(axis=None): raise ValueError( f"invalid quality flag(s) found, only the following values are supported: {set(cls._FORWARD.keys())}" ) if not causes.isin(_QUALITY_CAUSES).all(axis=None): raise ValueError( f"invalid quality cause(s) found, only the following values are supported: {_QUALITY_CAUSES}" ) if (~flags.isin(("OK", "NIL")) & (causes == "")).any(axis=None): raise ValueError( "quality flags other than 'OK and 'NIL' need a non-empty quality cause" ) if ((causes == "OTHER") & (comments == "")).any(axis=None): raise ValueError( "quality cause 'OTHER' needs a non-empty quality comment" )