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Writing Functions#

Writing non-standard functions#

When implementing non-standard functions, i.e. all function not decorated with flagging, some special care is needed to comply to the standard SaQC behaviour. The following passages guide you through the jungle of register arguments and their semantics.





History squeezing#


Target handling#

Functions decorated with register(handles_target=True) are fully in charge to implement the source-target workflow. That means they need to handle the following cases:

  • Existing target: one ore more of the given targets might already exist in data and flags. There is (currently) no hard rule how we expect functions to handle this case, the default functions however drop pre-existing target with:

    from saqc.funcs import dropField
    data, flags = dropField(data=data, fags=flags, field=field, target=target)
  • Non-existing target: we stick to the idea, that non existing targets will be handled gracefully. Usually that implies, that after a function returns all names given in target exist in data as well as in flags. The easiest solution here is to create an explicit copy:

    from saqc.funcs import copyField
    data, flags = copyField(data=data, flags=flags, field=field, target=target)

    However, such a direct mapping/lineage between field and target is not always meaningful. Usually the function itself either provides new flags or new data, but we need to also provide values for for the respective other structure. For data we default to a series with all np.nan values, e.g.

    data[target] = pd.Series(np.nan, index=data[field].index)

    and empty flags, e.g.

    from saqc.core import History
    flags.history[target] = saqc.core.history.History(data[target].index)
  • Incompatible lengths of field and target: Certain functions might have specific mapping needs, some multivariate functions, for example, might map exactly three fields to one target, or need exactly on target for every field. If this is the case, such invriants should be checked accordingly.

  • Incompatible indices for field and target: Depending on the function, differing indices for field and target might or might not impose problems for the implementation. If not coded carefully, chances are however high, that this might cause breakage. It is therefore recommended to check this accordingly.