Source code for saqc.core.core

#! /usr/bin/env python

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import warnings
from copy import copy as shallowcopy
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Hashable, Iterable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from saqc.core.flags import Flags, _HistAccess, initFlagsLike
from saqc.core.frame import DictOfSeries
from saqc.core.history import History
from saqc.core.register import FUNC_MAP
from saqc.core.translation import (
from saqc.funcs import FunctionsMixin

# warnings
pd.set_option("mode.chained_assignment", "warn")
pd.set_option("mode.copy_on_write", True)

    "simple": SimpleScheme,
    "float": FloatScheme,
    "dmp": DmpScheme,
    "positional": PositionalScheme,
    "annotated-float": AnnotatedFloatScheme,

[docs] class SaQC(FunctionsMixin): _attributes = { "_data", "_flags", "_scheme", "_attrs", } def __init__( self, data: ( pd.Series | pd.DataFrame | DictOfSeries | list[pd.Series | pd.DataFrame | DictOfSeries] | None ) = None, flags: ( pd.DataFrame | DictOfSeries | Flags | list[pd.DataFrame | DictOfSeries | Flags] | None ) = None, scheme: str | TranslationScheme = "float", ): self.scheme: TranslationScheme = scheme self._data: DictOfSeries = self._initData(data) self._flags: Flags = self._initFlags(flags) self._attrs: dict = {} self._validate(reason="init") def _construct(self, **attributes) -> "SaQC": """ Construct a new `SaQC`-Object from `self` and optionally inject attributes with any chechking and overhead. Parameters ---------- **attributes: any of the `SaQC` data attributes with name and value Note ---- For internal usage only! Setting values through `injectables` has the potential to mess up certain invariants of the constructed object. """ out = self.__class__(data=DictOfSeries(), flags=Flags(), scheme=self._scheme) out.attrs = self._attrs for k, v in attributes.items(): if k not in self._attributes: raise AttributeError(f"SaQC has no attribute {repr(k)}") setattr(out, k, v) return out def _validate(self, reason=None): if not self._data.columns.equals(self._flags.columns): msg = "Data and flags don't contain the same columns." if reason: msg += f" This was most likely caused by: {reason}" raise RuntimeError(msg) return self @property def attrs(self) -> dict[Hashable, Any]: """ Dictionary of global attributes of this dataset. """ return self._attrs @attrs.setter def attrs(self, value: dict[Hashable, Any]) -> None: self._attrs = dict(value) @property def data(self) -> DictOfSeries: data = self._data data.attrs = self._attrs.copy() return data @property def flags(self) -> DictOfSeries: flags = self._scheme.toExternal(self._flags, attrs=self._attrs) flags.attrs = self._attrs.copy() return flags @property def scheme(self) -> TranslationScheme: return self._scheme @scheme.setter def scheme(self, scheme: str | TranslationScheme) -> None: if isinstance(scheme, str) and scheme in TRANSLATION_SCHEMES: scheme = TRANSLATION_SCHEMES[scheme]() if not isinstance(scheme, TranslationScheme): raise TypeError( f"expected one of the following translation schemes '{TRANSLATION_SCHEMES.keys()} " f"or an initialized Translator object, got '{scheme}'" ) self._scheme = scheme @property def _history(self) -> _HistAccess: return self._flags.history @property def columns(self) -> pd.Index: return self._data.columns def __len__(self): return len(self.columns) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.columns def _get_keys(self, key: str | Iterable[str] | slice): if isinstance(key, str): key = [key] elif isinstance(key, slice): sss = self.columns.slice_locs(key.start, key.stop, key.step) key = self.columns[slice(*sss)] keys = pd.Index(key) if keys.has_duplicates: raise NotImplementedError( "selecting the same key multiple times is not supported yet." ) return keys def __delitem__(self, key): if key not in self.columns: raise KeyError(key) with self._atomicWrite(): del self._data[key] del self._flags[key] def __getitem__(self, key: str | slice | Iterable[str]) -> SaQC: keys = self._get_keys(key) if not_found := keys.difference(self.columns).tolist(): raise KeyError(f"{not_found} not in columns") # data = self._data[key] should work, but fails with key=[] # because of slice_dict issue #GH2 - empty list selection fails. # As long as flags/history have no slicing support we stick to # the loop. data = DictOfSeries() flags = Flags() for k in keys: data[k] = self._data[k].copy() flags.history[k] = self._flags.history[k].copy() new = self._construct(_data=data, _flags=flags) return new._validate("a bug, pls report") def __setitem__( self, key: str | slice | Iterable[str], value: ( SaQC | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame | DictOfSeries | dict[Any, pd.Series] | Iterable[pd.Series] ), ): keys = self._get_keys(key) if isinstance(value, SaQC): pass elif isinstance(value, pd.Series): value = [value] elif isinstance(value, (pd.DataFrame, DictOfSeries)): value = [value[k] for k in value.keys()] else: if isinstance(value, dict): value = value.values() value = list(value) for s in value: if not isinstance(s, pd.Series): raise TypeError( f"all items of value must be of type " f"pd.Series, but got {type(s)}" ) if len(keys) != len(value): raise ValueError( f"Length mismatch, expected {len(keys)} elements, " f"but value has {len(value)} elements" ) with self._atomicWrite(): if isinstance(value, SaQC): for k, c in zip(keys, value.columns): self._data[k] = value._data[c].copy() self._flags.history[k] = value._flags.history[c].copy() else: for i, k in enumerate(keys): self._data[k] = value[i] self._flags.history[k] = History(value[i].index) @contextlib.contextmanager def _atomicWrite(self): """ Context manager to realize writing in an all-or-nothing style. This is helpful for writing data and flags at once or resetting all changes on errors. It is also useful for updating multiple columns "at once". """ # shallow copies data = self._data.copy() flags = self._flags.copy(deep=False) try: yield # when we get here, everything has gone well, # and we accept all changes on data and flags data = self._data flags = self._flags finally: self._data = data self._flags = flags def __getattr__(self, key): """ All failing attribute accesses are redirected to __getattr__. We use this mechanism to make the registered functions appear as `SaQC`-methods without actually implementing them. """ if key not in FUNC_MAP: raise AttributeError(f"SaQC has no attribute {repr(key)}") return partial(FUNC_MAP[key], self)
[docs] def copy(self, deep=True): copyfunc = deepcopy if deep else shallowcopy new = self._construct() for attr in self._attributes: setattr(new, attr, copyfunc(getattr(self, attr))) return new
def __copy__(self): return self.copy(deep=False) def __deepcopy__(self, memodict=None): return self.copy(deep=True) def _initTranslationScheme( self, scheme: str | TranslationScheme ) -> TranslationScheme: if isinstance(scheme, str) and scheme in TRANSLATION_SCHEMES: return TRANSLATION_SCHEMES[scheme]() if isinstance(scheme, TranslationScheme): return scheme raise TypeError( f"expected one of the following translation schemes '{TRANSLATION_SCHEMES.keys()} " f"or an initialized Translator object, got '{scheme}'" ) def _initData(self, data) -> DictOfSeries: if data is None: return DictOfSeries() if isinstance(data, list): result = DictOfSeries() doubles = pd.Index([]) for d in data: new = self._castData(d) doubles = doubles.union(result.columns.intersection(new.columns)) result.update(new) if not doubles.empty: warnings.warn( f"Column(s) {doubles.tolist()} was present multiple " f"times in input data. Some data was overwritten. " f"Avoid duplicate columns names over all inputs.", stacklevel=2, ) return result try: return self._castData(data) except ValueError as e: raise e from None except TypeError as e: raise TypeError( "'data' must be of type pandas.Series, " "pandas.DataFrame or saqc.DictOfSeries or " "a list of those or a dict with string keys " "and pandas.Series as values." ) from e def _castData(self, data) -> DictOfSeries: if isinstance(data, pd.Series): if not isinstance(, str): raise ValueError("Cannot init from unnamed pd.Series") data = data.to_frame() if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): for idx in [data.index, data.columns]: if isinstance(idx, pd.MultiIndex): raise ValueError("'data' should not have MultiIndex") try: # This ensures that values are pd.Series return DictOfSeries(data) except Exception: raise TypeError(f"Cannot cast {type(data)} to DictOfSeries") from None def _initFlags(self, flags) -> Flags: if flags is None: return initFlagsLike(self._data) if isinstance(flags, list): result = Flags() for f in flags: f = self._castToFlags(f) for c in f.columns: if c in result.columns: warnings.warn( f"Column {c} already exist. Data is overwritten. " f"Avoid duplicate columns names over all inputs.", stacklevel=2, ) result.history[c] = f.history[c] flags = result elif isinstance(flags, (pd.DataFrame, DictOfSeries, Flags)): flags = self._castToFlags(flags) else: raise TypeError( "'flags' must be of type pandas.DataFrame, " "dios.DictOfSeries or saqc.Flags or " "a list of those." ) # sanitize # - if column is missing flags but present in data, add it # - if column is present in both, the index must be equal for c in self._data.columns: if c not in flags.columns: flags.history[c] = History(self._data[c].index) else: if not flags[c].index.equals(self._data[c].index): raise ValueError( f"The flags index of column {c} does not equals " f"the index of the same column in data." ) return flags def _castToFlags(self, flags): if isinstance(flags, pd.DataFrame): for idx in [flags.index, flags.columns]: if isinstance(idx, pd.MultiIndex): raise TypeError("'flags' should not have MultiIndex") if not isinstance(flags, Flags): flags = Flags(self._scheme.toInternal(flags)) return flags